Astaxanthin: The Algae Superweapon for Immune System and Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin: Die Algen-Superwaffe für Immunsystem und Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin - the red diamond of antioxidants and the immune secret weapon from algae!

Astaxanthin - the immune secret weapon from algae! The red diamond

Astaxanthin, derived from an alga, is the miracle cure in the immune and anti-aging sky. Why? Because it is purely natural and 6000x stronger than vitamin C1.

Free radicals as a danger to our cells and DNA

Researchers, doctors, and nutrition experts agree: Increased occupational and athletic stress, environmental toxins, UV radiation, and unhealthy diets lead to an increase in free radicals in our bodies. These free radicals can damage our cells and DNA, impair our immune system, and promote inflammatory processes.

Antioxidants as protection and free radical scavengers

Astaxanthin is extracted from the blood rain algae Haematococcus pluvialis and is considered the strongest naturally occurring antioxidant in the world1. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in our bodies, thereby reducing inflammatory processes. Our immune system and anti-aging processes benefit from the antioxidant effect of astaxanthin. The anti-inflammatory effect is said to have positive effects on diabetes, chronic inflammation, the cardiovascular system, and cell aging.

Astaxanthin the super antioxidant – High-tech from Austria

Many are now increasingly relying on the diamond among free radical scavengers, astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a natural carotenoid and is extracted from the blood rain algae Haematococcus pluvialis. Its effectiveness surpasses that of all other known antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C.

The algae are not imported from distant countries but grow right in the heart of Austria. In pure spring water and with energy from green electricity, high-purity astaxanthin is produced under controlled conditions in Hartberg, Styria, in one of the world's most advanced production facilities2. Algae from Austria!


For the first time in a health drink – Dr.Owl Immunaid®

Until now, natural astaxanthin was only available as a very poorly soluble powder or in capsule form. Now you can experience the natural power of astaxanthin for the first time in a health drink IMMUNAID. As a drink, it can be absorbed and distributed by the body much faster. In just one health drink, you will find the power of 40 million astaxanthin algae3, which corresponds to:


  • The antioxidant effect of 300 oranges3
  • The antioxidant effect of 55 bags of carrots3
  • The antioxidant effect of 2 handfuls of turmeric roots3



1Institute for Food Science Research; Fuji Japan; Yasuhiro Nishida et al. 2007
2BDI-Biolife Science GmbH:
3Internal calculations BDI-Biolife Science GmbH

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