Hidden Hunger – The Invisible Deficiency on a Full Plate​

Hidden Hunger – Der unsichtbare Mangel bei vollem Teller

Hidden Hunger – Hunger with a Full Stomach

Look around: to the right, the sausage stand; to the left, the bakery; and across from the office, the fast-food joint. What a world! As far as the eye can see, there are plenty of options to satisfy small or large hunger anytime and anywhere. While we worry about our tight pants, our body is starving for essential micronutrients. The deficiency has become a civilization disease - but what can we do about it?

Previously a prominent problem in developing countries, today it is unfortunately also a serious problem and risk in the wealthier world:

Hidden Hunger

What are we talking about? According to the WHO, "hidden hunger" is defined as a deficiency of micronutrients, meaning a lack of energy-free essential vitamins and minerals. Hidden hunger arises when the quality of food does not meet the human need for vitamins and minerals and thus cannot promote development, growth, and regeneration.

How can this be an issue in our society? Think about the eating habits of the busy, modern person (broadly generalized): a caramel macchiato for breakfast from Starbucks, a sausage sandwich between two appointments, cake with the afternoon coffee, and then ordering dinner or popping a ready meal in the oven because the day was so exhausting... that sounds like a solid vitamin supply! This may not apply to everyone, but it is a scenario I, as a nutritionist, observe repeatedly. Moreover, the rising numbers of obesity in Central Europe, the UK, and the USA speak for themselves!

The reasons for poor nutrition are diverse: financial disadvantage, lack of knowledge, stress, habit, or even disinterest in healthy eating.

Is Every Nutrient Deficiency the Same?

This state of micronutrient deficiency should not be confused with a macronutrient deficiency: macronutrients like protein, fat, and carbohydrates provide energy (calories). A deficiency of this kind is easy to recognize or feel: intense hunger. Over time, this naturally leads to an overall nutrient deficiency and weight loss.

You can feel an acute macronutrient deficiency physically. Hidden hunger, however, is not felt. And that is the danger.

What does this state mean for life and quality of life? The symptoms and (too) late consequences of hidden hunger naturally depend on the missing nutrients and the group of people affected.

The fact is: in the most dramatic cases, it leads to developmental disorders, immune weakness, and susceptibility to infections, as well as inadequate regenerative capacity of the body. And it goes on: skin, hair, nails, and the digestive system are also affected. And we are supposed to perform well with this? Not likely...

What Does This Mean for Your Lifestyle, and Are There Measures?

Primarily, it means paying attention to a balanced lifestyle and a varied, fresh diet. Of course, we indulge in some culinary slip-ups, but it's the quantity that makes the poison. Especially when young, we ignore the risk of not eating adequately, as the consequences are not immediately felt.

This is precisely where we need to start if we want many successful and productive years with lots of vitality and freedom from complaints. Nothing comes from nothing, even when it comes to lifestyle!

If you're not 100% sure or unsure about what applies to you individually, you can consult experts and consider nutrient-rich supplements to your daily diet (note: supplements are not a food substitute, but we will address this topic separately soon).

DR.OWL Does a Lot Right!

This is why I like Dr.Owl's approach so much. Experience, science, and innovation have come together to replenish the body's reserves with little effort. All without chemical junk and unnecessary sugar.

The nutrient complex of 15 important and essential micronutrients and antioxidants promotes cell regeneration (the body produces 50 million new cells per second!!) and also contributes to mental performance. Clean Body & Clean Mind!

So: nourish and supply yourself intelligently. Your body deserves it.


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