Goodbye Afternoon Slump: Strategies Against Afternoon Fatigue

Mittagstief ade: Strategien gegen das Nachmittagstief

What to Do About Afternoon Fatigue?

We all know it: the slump after lunch. But what can we do about afternoon fatigue? The "food coma" is a reaction of our body to consuming foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates. These cause our blood sugar levels to spike rapidly, known as the "sugar rush," followed by a rapid decline, the "sugar crash."

How Does Afternoon Slump Manifest?

We experience it right after eating in the form of fatigue and difficulty concentrating, followed by hunger pangs in the afternoon. So the question remains: How can we prevent it? And what should we eat for lunch?

Our Recommendations Against Afternoon Fatigue:

Pay attention to your lunch choices: opt for complex carbohydrates instead of simple ones, such as:

- Instead of white rice or fries, choose vegetables or salad as a side dish.

- Instead of white bread, choose whole grain bread.

- Instead of smoothies, choose whole fruits, such as a fresh apple.

- Movement - get your circulation going.

- Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water.

- Slowly releasing, natural caffeine.

In summary, prevention by choosing the right lunch is the best way to combat afternoon fatigue. If you still experience a slump, only movement to get your circulation going or caffeine, preferably slowly releasing natural caffeine (also known as slow-release caffeine), which is long-lasting and gentle, can help. This is found in the guarana plant, which is why we use only guarana extract as a caffeine source in our products like Regeneraid. This will get you back on your feet and help you overcome afternoon fatigue without any problems.

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