Health Blog

Mikroplastik Nanoplastik Gefahr gesundheitsgefährdend

Plastic Pollution in Everyday Products: What You Need to Know

Micro- and nanoplastics are a potential invisible danger that can affect not only the environment but also our health. There are indications of possible damage to cells, organs, or systems. Found in oceans, air, and in PET bottles for water, juice, and sodas.

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Astaxanthin: Die Algen-Superwaffe für Immunsystem und Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin: The Algae Superweapon for Immune System and Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin, derived from an alga, is the miracle cure in the immune and anti-aging sky. Why? Because it is purely natural and 6000x stronger than vitamin C. A super antioxidant from nature.

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Hidden Hunger – Der unsichtbare Mangel bei vollem Teller

Hidden Hunger – The Invisible Deficiency on a Full Plate​

What a world! As far as the eye can see, there are plenty of options to satisfy small or large hunger anytime and anywhere. While we worry about our tight pants, our body is starving for essential micronutrients. But what can we do about it? Learn how to combat nutrient deficiencies!

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Mittagstief ade: Strategien gegen das Nachmittagstief

Goodbye Afternoon Slump: Strategies Against Afternoon Fatigue

The slump after lunch - food coma - is a reaction of our body to consuming foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates. These cause our blood sugar levels to spike rapidly, known as the “sugar rush,” followed by a rapid decline, the “sugar crash.”

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