Health Blog

Hydration 2.0: Warum dein Körper mehr als nur Wasser braucht!

Hydration 2.0: Why Your Body Needs More Than Just Water!

Our body is made up of up to 70% water, and adequate hydration is essential for health. However, it’s not just about water—electrolyte intake is also important for optimal body function. Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are involved in numerous physiological processes.

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NO Boost: Wie L-Arginin und L-Citrullin Deine Leistung fördern

NO Boost: How L-Arginine and L-Citrulline Enhance Your Performance

The human body requires many nutrients to function optimally. For athletes, proper nutrient intake is crucial to maximize performance and endurance. A key factor in this is the production of nitric oxide (NO), which improves blood circulation and muscle performance. The amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are particularly important.

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Mikroplastik Nanoplastik Gefahr gesundheitsgefährdend

Plastic Pollution in Everyday Products: What You Need to Know

Micro- and nanoplastics are a potential invisible danger that can affect not only the environment but also our health. There are indications of possible damage to cells, organs, or systems. Found in oceans, air, and in PET bottles for water, juice, and sodas.

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Astaxanthin: Die Algen-Superwaffe für Immunsystem und Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin: The Algae Superweapon for Immune System and Anti-Aging

Astaxanthin, derived from an alga, is the miracle cure in the immune and anti-aging sky. Why? Because it is purely natural and 6000x stronger than vitamin C. A super antioxidant from nature.

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