Performance through Continuous Renewal
Our body can form up to 50 million new cells per second. It replaces old, weak cells with new, efficient ones. This continuous regeneration process, which takes place in all body cells, ensures that all organs, such as the brain, liver, and muscles, function optimally. Only through this constant renewal can our physical and mental performance be guaranteed.
What does the 1CC need to work optimally?
The One Carbon Cycle (1CC) only functions optimally when specific nutrients are supplied daily in sufficient quantities. This includes the essential nutrient choline, the semi-essential amino acid L-cysteine, and specific B vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin B6, or B12.
With the proper programming of our cells by the 1CC, they can function optimally every day. This means the best performance of our body, especially our brain.
What happens when our regeneration falters?
When our regeneration falters, it can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and exhaustion in the short term. Long-term impairment of regeneration can lead to severe metabolic disorders, such as the breakdown of the "cell toxin" homocysteine.
Elevated homocysteine levels are considered a risk factor for severe cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke, or neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia.
Regeneration as a "Hot Topic" in Science
Research on our regeneration at the cellular level is still relatively young and often leads to spectacular breakthroughs.
Researchers Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich, and Aziz Sancar (pictured) were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their studies on the tools that cells use to repair DNA.
Chemistry Nobel Prize 2015: For studies on DNA repair
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine was also awarded for research in this area. Cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi decoded the vital cleaning and regeneration processes within body cells, also called autophagy mechanisms.
Medicine Nobel Prize 2016: Prize goes to cell biologist Ohsumi
The American space agency NASA is also dedicating current studies to the function of the 1CC and its health effects in case of deficiency. What happens in the space capsule if it doesn't function properly?
One Carbon Metabolism on the Space Station
Science in Your Hands - Regeneraid
After two years of development, our researchers have managed to pack the latest scientific findings on our regeneration into a tailored nutrient package.
Regeneraid from DR.OWL NutriHealth contains precisely the nutrient combination that the 1CC needs for its optimal function. We call this patented nutrient package the One Carbon Cycle Regeneration System.
The dosage is tailored to the daily needs of an adult. One dose of Regeneraid in the morning is enough to optimally support our physical and mental performance throughout the day.
- Fiorito G et al. (2014): B-vitamins intake, DNA-methylation of One Carbon Metabolism and homocysteine pathway genes and myocardial infarction risk: the EPICOR study.
- Rios-Avila L. et al. (2015): Pyridoxine supplementation does not alter in vivo kinetics of one-carbon metabolism but modifies patterns of one-carbon and tryptophan metabolites in vitamin B-6–insufficient oral contraceptive users.
- W. Lane H. et al. (2013): The Role of Nutritional Research in the Success of Human Space Flight
- Köbe T. et al. (2016): Vitamin B-12 concentration, memory performance, and hippocampal structure in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
- Zinck WR J. et al. (2015): Genetic modifiers of folate, vitamin B-12, and homocysteine status in a cross-sectional study of the Canadian population
- Steven H. Zeisel (2010): Choline