Health Blog

Sugar Crash verstehen und vermeiden: Teil 1 - Höhenflug mit Bruchlandung

Understanding and Avoiding Sugar Crash: Part 1 - Soaring High to Crash Landing

Why highly sugary drinks and foods give a short-term boost but then crash our concentration and performance. This phenomenon is explained by the physiological process of reactive or alimentary hypoglycemia - colloquially known as the “sugar crash.”

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Sugar Crash verstehen und vermeiden: Teil 2 - Stop the Rollercoaster

Understanding and avoiding a sugar crash: Part 2 - Stop the Rollercoaster

Sugary foods cause constant “UP and DOWN” in blood sugar levels. This temporarily harms your performance and can significantly impair your health in the long run. It’s time to stop this blood sugar rollercoaster!

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Was ist der One Carbon Cycle? Der Motor der Erholung - Der Zyklus der Zellregeneration

The One Carbon Cycle: The Engine of Recovery - The Cycle of Cell Regeneration

The continuous renewal of our body’s cells keeps us fit, healthy, and productive every day. A metabolic process controls the formation and programming of all new body cells and ensures their optimal function - the One Carbon Cycle.

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Was ist Chlorophyll? Mehr als nur Pflanzengrün – ein Lebenselixier

What is Chlorophyll? More than just plant green – a life elixir

Chlorophyll is the substance that allows plants to convert sunlight into energy, perform photosynthesis, and grow. In our diet, the green pigment is also unique and is considered a true health booster for body and mind due to its countless functional properties.

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