Whether you’re a sports beginner or a long-time professional, we all often forget to think about our body’s regeneration process after a workout! During regular physical exertion, our metabolism runs at full speed; we burn calories, but we also lose valuable electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals through sweating. It’s all the more important to replenish these empty stores and thus support optimal cell regeneration.
✔ DO the right Snack
If we fail to eat and drink properly after training due to lack of time or understanding, we remain in a catabolic state.
In other words, it creates a vacuum where the body cannot draw energy or nutrients because they are no longer sufficiently or not at all present. However, nutrients are particularly well utilized in the first 45 minutes after a workout.
Therefore, the optimal post-workout snack should be as low in fat and sugar and as nutrient-rich as possible. Eating too much fatty food immediately after exertion leads to an overwhelmed metabolism. When the body has to deal with heavy food, it doesn't get the necessary carbohydrates and proteins quickly enough, and the initiation of regeneration is slowed down.
A craving for sugar post-workout can occur and signals a lack of energy. Instead of simply giving in to the craving and reaching for the nearest chocolate bar, you should opt for high-quality carbohydrates.
✔ DO the right Drink
Our water and electrolyte balance must also be properly replenished after a hard workout according to the sweat loss.
If the body does not have enough fluids, especially electrolytes, it withdraws water from its cells. The transport of minerals and nutrients is slowed down. The result is a disturbed cell regeneration – a drop in performance and signs of fatigue become noticeable.
Long-term impairment can even lead to severe metabolic disorders.
That’s why you should definitely choose the right drinks after a workout. You should avoid highly sugary sports and energy drinks; they only give our blood sugar levels a rollercoaster ride followed by a drop in performance.
It's better to rely on drinks with natural vitamins and minerals that provide our cells with the right kind of energy and
support cell renewal.
✔ DO the right Relaxation
In the area of exercise, you should ensure enough rest to support cell regeneration. Adequate sleep and breaks between training sessions should definitely be planned to minimize the risk of injury and performance decline.
At the same time, be cautious of too much rest: It’s naturally tempting to put your feet up after a long day of training, but over a long period, this is not good for your muscles or circulation.
A light session of running, swimming, or dynamic stretching should be on the agenda until the next exertion. This overall promotes blood circulation and the optimal transport of essential nutrients to the affected body parts.
Regeneration occurs on multiple levels. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are just as important as a good training plan.